// //Get search string from script tag var searchString_sw = "vWebmd=1&art=nav+-+home+page&eaid=6602925751&ecid=138465921008&epid=25990034&esid=3312554&itype=2&pos=901&prg=%5BInsertProgramCode%5D&pt=1728&pvid=171182273578333892&uri=%2F&hostName=survey.o.webmd.com"; //Get imgage pixel tracking bit var imgTrackExposed=""; var nExposures_sw = []; var iExposed_sw = []; var TriggerLogic_sw="1==1"; var popupDelay_sw="0"; var popUpOdds_sw=0; var testType_sw=0; //Control=0 ; Exposed=1 var popupDelayR_sw=0; var PIN=0; var tpix=''; var adViewsTotal_sw=0; var deviceType_sw=1; var pimMode=0; var deviceTypeTemp_sw=0; var objJsonCookie_sw = ""; var objJsonCookiePN_sw = {}; var objJsonCookiePNvars_sw = {}; var iContent_sw=""; var iContentM_sticky_sw; var iContentD_sticky_sw; var iContentM_layer_sw; var iContentD_layer_sw; var iContentM_instream_sw; var iContentD_instream_sw; var adViews_sw=0; var wType=2; var passSegFlag_sw=0 var segValue_sw=""; var memID_sw=""; var isPIM_sw=0; var noGo_sw=0; var expireDays_sw=180; var pimMax_sw=0; var promptText=""; var promptCode=0; const arrayPromptText = []; var P1="Contribute to the improvement of cancer resources on WebMD by sharing your cancer journey. Take a few minutes to complete a survey about your cancer experience, and you'll have the chance to win 1 of 10 $100 gift cards."; var P2="Your cancer journey matters to us. Spend 15 minutes on our survey; you could win 1 of 10 gift cards worth $100. Help us create a better platform for you and others sharing your cancer experience."; var promptRandom=Math.floor((Math.random() * 2)) arrayPromptText[0]= P1; arrayPromptText[1]= P2; promptText=arrayPromptText[promptRandom]; promptCode=promptRandom+1 try { var visitor = parent.Visitor.getInstance("16AD4362526701720A490D45@AdobeOrg"); var mcvID = visitor.getMarketingCloudVisitorID(); var OmnitureID = visitor.getAnalyticsVisitorID(); searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&OmnitureID=" + OmnitureID; searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&mcvID=" + mcvID; } catch(err) { if (window.adobeDataLayer) { window.alloy("getIdentity").then(function(result) { searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&ecidID=" + result.identity.ECID; }); } } var strReferrer=document.referrer; strReferrer=strReferrer.replace("http://",""); strReferrer=strReferrer.replace("https://",""); var arrayReferrer=strReferrer.split("/"); var varReferrer=arrayReferrer[0]; var isTest_sw = query_sw('test'); var isExit_sw = query_sw('exit'); var itype_sw = query_sw('itype'); var itype_sw = query_sw('itype'); var iaf_sw = query_sw('iaf'); var pos_sw = query_sw('pos'); var renderType_sw=iaf_sw.toString() + pos_sw.toString(); //Sets the total percentage figure. Currently set to work on a 100 scale var popUpScale_sw = 100; //Cookie records Intercept Served for this project var cn="C5213"; var pn="23_CI_04S"; if(window.top.jQuery == undefined){ var script = document.createElement('script'); window.top.document.head.appendChild(script); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"; script.onload = function(){ window.top.$.noConflict(); triggerInterceptProcess(); } } else { //window.top.jQuery.noConflict(); triggerInterceptProcess(); } function triggerInterceptProcess() { startInterceptProcess(); } function startInterceptProcess() { deviceTypeTemp_sw=getDevice_sw(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); //Set PIM window.top.webmd.p=window.top.webmd.p || {}; window.top.webmd.p.pim=window.top.webmd.p.pim||window.top.webmd.pim; if (window.top.webmd && window.top.webmd.p && window.top.webmd.p.pim) {isPIM_sw=1;} if (isPIM_sw==1) { noGo_sw=0; window.JSON = window.top.JSON; window.webmd = window.top.webmd; if (!webmd.p.pim.isAllowed()) { noGo_sw=1; pimMax_sw=1; } } else { noGo_sw=1; } //default wType desktop layer, mobile sticky if (deviceTypeTemp_sw==1) {wType=2}; if (deviceTypeTemp_sw==2) {wType=2}; if ((deviceTypeTemp_sw==2)&&(iaf_sw=="1")) {wType=3;} if ((deviceTypeTemp_sw==1)&&(iaf_sw=="1")) {wType=3;} if ((pimMax_sw==1) || (isPIM_sw==0)) { noGo_sw=0; wType=3; } searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&wType=" + wType; //if (itype_sw=='1') {popUpOdds_sw = 20;TriggerLogic_sw="TrackingAdViews_sw < 1";popupDelay_sw=15;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw > 1";isExit_sw=1;isExit_sw=2;popupDelayR_sw=10;pimMode=1;} //TriggerLogic_sw="if (adViews_sw > 1) {popupDelay_sw=0;AdViewFlag_sw=1;}else{popupDelay_sw=10;AdViewFlag_sw=1;}";} //Modify popup odds. A 1 means 1% of the hits, 10=10%, etc... //Keep the 99 itype as is if (itype_sw=='99') {popUpOdds_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";testType_sw=1;} if (itype_sw=='1') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='2') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='3') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='4') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='5') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='6') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='7') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='8') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='9') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='10') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='11') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='12') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} if (itype_sw=='13') {popUpOdds_sw=100;popupDelay_sw=0;testType_sw=1;deviceType_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";pimMode=0;} //popUpOdds_sw=0; if ((deviceType_sw==0) || (deviceType_sw.length==0) || (deviceType_sw != deviceTypeTemp_sw)) { deviceType_sw=deviceTypeTemp_sw; } if (isExit_sw > '0') { var winType=2; } else { var winType=1; } //Set intercept in motion //----------------------- if (isExit_sw > 0) {window.onunload=dounload_23_CI_04S_sw;} noGo_sw=0; expireDays_sw=180; expireDate_sw=getDate_sw(expireDays_sw); if (isTest_sw==2) { noGo_sw=0; wType=2; } else if (pimMode==1) { isTest_sw=1; noGo_sw=0; } if ((location.href=="https://www.webmd.com/") || (window.top.location.href=="https://www.webmd.com/")) { noGo_sw=1; } //Get JSON Cookie //Place cookie values into objJsonCookie_sw //setCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw', JSON.stringify(objJsonCookie_sw), 180); var strJsonCookie_sw=getCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw'); if (strJsonCookie_sw==null) {strJsonCookie_sw = ' ';} try { objJsonCookie_sw = JSON.parse(strJsonCookie_sw); } catch (e) { objJsonCookie_sw = {}; } if (objJsonCookie_sw[cn]==null) { objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.e=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.p=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.x=expireDate_sw; objJsonCookiePN_sw[pn]=objJsonCookiePNvars_sw; objJsonCookie_sw[cn]=objJsonCookiePN_sw; } else if (objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn]==null) { objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.e=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.p=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.x=expireDate_sw; objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn]=objJsonCookiePNvars_sw; } //Delete cookie if expire date has been reached destroyCookie(); //Write JSON Cookie back out immediately with testType_sw if (testType_sw==1) { objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e = testType_sw; setCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw', JSON.stringify(objJsonCookie_sw), 180); } //Write JSON Cookie back out immediately with imgTrack if (imgTrackExposed=="1") { objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e = 1; setCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw', JSON.stringify(objJsonCookie_sw), 180); } //Cookie records Intercept Served for this project var surveyAsked_sw=objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].p; if (popUpOdds_sw.length==0) {popUpOdds_sw = 0;} //Set 5 second delay for control in case exposed is also on the page if ((testType_sw==0) && (popupDelay_sw == 0)) {popupDelay_sw=5;} //Cookie to read number of times page/ad viewed var isStrType_sw='t'; if (testType_sw==0) {isStrType_sw='c';} var adViewsCookieName_sw= "a" + isStrType_sw + itype_sw; adViews_sw=objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn][adViewsCookieName_sw]; if (adViews_sw==null) {adViews_sw=0;} adViews_sw=parseFloat(adViews_sw) + 1; objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn][adViewsCookieName_sw] = adViews_sw; //Popup Trigger Logic based on page/ad views //var TriggerLogic_sw = query_sw('trLogic'); if (TriggerLogic_sw.length==0) {TriggerLogic_sw = "1==1";} var AdViewFlag_sw=0; if (eval(TriggerLogic_sw)) {AdViewFlag_sw=1;} //Check for Test Type Cookie var exposedCookieValue_sw=objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e; if (exposedCookieValue_sw==null) {exposedCookieValue_sw=0;} if (testType_sw==1) {objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e = testType_sw;} if ((exposedCookieValue_sw==1) && (testType_sw==0)) {noGo_sw=1;} //Set invite timer delay //var popupDelay_sw = query_sw('delayTime'); if (popupDelay_sw.length==0) {popupDelay_sw = 0;} //Set default for passSegFlag for Health Check Trigger if (popupDelay_sw < 0) { popupDelay_sw = 0; passSegFlag_sw = 1; } //Popup window Content //GFK Survey IFrame Content window iContentM_sticky_sw='\ \ \
' + promptText + '
\ \ \
This survey is being conducted by the WebMD Marketing Research department. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD privacy policy.\ NO PURCHASE OR SURVEY NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase or survey will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (DC) who are age 18 or older in the US at time of entry, and to whom this offer is addressed. Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 AM ET on 2/23/24 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on 10/30/24. See Official Rules for complete details and alternate method of entry. Void where prohibited. SPONSOR: WebMD LLC.
\ '; iContentD_sticky_sw='\ \ \
' + promptText + '
\ \ \
This survey is being conducted by the WebMD Marketing Research department. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD privacy policy.\ NO PURCHASE OR SURVEY NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase or survey will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (DC) who are age 18 or older in the US at time of entry, and to whom this offer is addressed. Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 AM ET on 2/23/24 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on 10/30/24. See Official Rules for complete details and alternate method of entry. Void where prohibited. SPONSOR: WebMD LLC.
\ '; iContentM_layer_sw='\ \ \
' + promptText + '
\ \ \
This survey is being conducted by the WebMD Marketing Research department. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD privacy policy.\ NO PURCHASE OR SURVEY NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase or survey will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (DC) who are age 18 or older in the US at time of entry, and to whom this offer is addressed. Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 AM ET on 2/23/24 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on 10/30/24. See Official Rules for complete details and alternate method of entry. Void where prohibited. SPONSOR: WebMD LLC.
\ '; iContentD_layer_sw='\ \ \
' + promptText + '
\ \ \
This survey is being conducted by the WebMD Marketing Research department. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD privacy policy.\ NO PURCHASE OR SURVEY NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase or survey will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (DC) who are age 18 or older in the US at time of entry, and to whom this offer is addressed. Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 AM ET on 2/23/24 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on 10/30/24. See Official Rules for complete details and alternate method of entry. Void where prohibited. SPONSOR: WebMD LLC.
\ '; iContentM_instream_sw='\ \ \
' + promptText + '
\ \ \
This survey is being conducted by the WebMD Marketing Research department. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD privacy policy.\ NO PURCHASE OR SURVEY NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase or survey will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (DC) who are age 18 or older in the US at time of entry, and to whom this offer is addressed. Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 AM ET on 2/23/24 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on 10/30/24. See Official Rules for complete details and alternate method of entry. Void where prohibited. SPONSOR: WebMD LLC.
\ '; iContentD_instream_sw='\ \ \
' + promptText + '
\ \ \
This survey is being conducted by the WebMD Marketing Research department. All information will be used in a manner consistent with the WebMD privacy policy.\ NO PURCHASE OR SURVEY NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase or survey will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (DC) who are age 18 or older in the US at time of entry, and to whom this offer is addressed. Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 AM ET on 2/23/24 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on 10/30/24. See Official Rules for complete details and alternate method of entry. Void where prohibited. SPONSOR: WebMD LLC.
\ \ '; if (wType==1) { if (deviceType_sw==2) { iContent_sw=iContentM_sticky_sw; } else { iContent_sw=iContentD_sticky_sw; } } if (wType==2) { if (deviceType_sw==2) { iContent_sw=iContentM_layer_sw; } else { iContent_sw=iContentD_layer_sw; } } if (wType==3) { if (deviceType_sw==2) { iContent_sw=iContentM_instream_sw; } else { iContent_sw=iContentD_instream_sw; } } if ((isExit_sw != 1) && (noGo_sw==0)) { //Check to see if Popup window should trigger checkTriggerPopup_23_CI_04S(AdViewFlag_sw,popUpOdds_sw,surveyAsked_sw,popupDelay_sw,iContent_sw); //Write JSON Cookie back out setCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw', JSON.stringify(objJsonCookie_sw), 180); } } //Being Function Calls //-------------------- function checkTriggerPopup_23_CI_04S(AdViewFlag_sw,popUpOdds_sw,surveyAsked_sw,popupDelay_sw,iContent_sw) { if (isTest_sw==2) {noGo_sw=0;surveyAsked_sw=0;popupDelay_sw=2;popUpOdds_sw=100;AdViewFlag_sw=1;} if (noGo_sw==0) { if (AdViewFlag_sw==1) { var randomN_sw=randomRange_sw(); if (randomN_sw <= popUpOdds_sw) { if (surveyAsked_sw==0) { if (popupDelay_sw > 0) { setTimeout("showPopup_sw(iContent_sw)",parseFloat(popupDelay_sw) * 1000); } else if (passSegFlag_sw==1) { //showPopup_sw(iContent_sw); } else if (isExit_sw > 0) {dounload_23_CI_04S_sw();} else { showPopup_sw(iContent_sw); } } } } } } function showPopup_sw(iContent_sw) { if (wType==1) { if (deviceType_sw==2) { iContent_sw=iContentM_sticky_sw; } else { iContent_sw=iContentD_sticky_sw; } } if (wType==2) { if (deviceType_sw==2) { iContent_sw=iContentM_layer_sw; } else { iContent_sw=iContentD_layer_sw; } } if (wType==3) { if (deviceType_sw==2) { iContent_sw=iContentM_instream_sw; } else { iContent_sw=iContentD_instream_sw; } } //Check to see if exposure has happened since intercept was triggered //------------------------------------------------------------------- var strJsonCookieTemp_sw=getCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw'); var objJsonCookieTemp_sw = JSON.parse(strJsonCookieTemp_sw); var exposedCookieValueTemp_sw=objJsonCookieTemp_sw[cn][pn].e; if ((exposedCookieValueTemp_sw==1) && (testType_sw==0)) {noGo_sw=1;} if (window.top.jQuery("[id^='iPopFrame']").length>0) {noGo_sw=1;} if (noGo_sw==1) {return false;} if (testType_sw==0) { adViewsTotal_sw=0; } else { adViewsTotal_sw=getAdViewsTotal_sw(objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn]) } iContent_sw=iContent_sw.replace("&itype=","&adViewsTotal_sw=" + adViewsTotal_sw + "&adViews_sw=" + adViews_sw + "&itype=") iContent_sw=iContent_sw.replace("&itype=","&ivar=Prompt~" + promptCode+"&ivar=iExposed~" + iExposed_sw + "~2&itype=") var iDiv = window.top.document.createElement('DIV'); var iPopFrameCnt=document.getElementsByClassName("iPopFrame_sw").length; iDiv.id="iPopFrame_sw" + wType; iDiv.className="iPopFrame_sw" + wType; iDiv.setAttribute("name","iPopFrame_sw"); iDiv.style.visibility="hidden"; //window.top.document.getElementById('main-container').appendChild(iDiv); if (wType==3) { var masterDiv_sw = window.top.document.createElement('DIV'); masterDiv_sw.id="masterDiv_sw"; if (deviceType_sw==2) { window.top.jQuery("[id^='infinite-ad-']").after(masterDiv_sw); window.top.document.getElementById('masterDiv_sw').append(iDiv); }else{ window.top.jQuery("[id^='ad-centerwell-pos-']").after(masterDiv_sw); window.top.document.getElementById('masterDiv_sw').append(iDiv); 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} else { domain=""; } var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); document.cookie = curCookie; } function setCookie_sw(name, value, expiresDays, path, domain, secure) { path="/"; var CurrentDomain=document.domain; var now = new Date(); fixDate_sw(now); now.setTime(now.getTime() + expiresDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); expires=now; if (CurrentDomain.indexOf(".") > -1) { var arCurrentDomain=CurrentDomain.split("."); domain=arCurrentDomain[arCurrentDomain.length-2] + "." + arCurrentDomain[arCurrentDomain.length-1]; } else { domain=""; } var curCookie = name + "=" + encodeValue_sw(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); document.cookie = curCookie; } function getCookie_sw_Old(name) { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + "="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) return null; } else begin += 2; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) end = dc.length; return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } function getCookie_sw(name) { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + "="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) return null; } else begin += 2; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) end = dc.length; return decodeValue_sw(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } function fixDate_sw(date) { var base = new Date(0); var skew = base.getTime(); if (skew > 0) date.setTime(date.getTime() - skew); } function query_sw(ji) { hu = searchString_sw; gy = hu.split("&"); for (i=0;i1) { return arrayStr[1]; 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